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Venezuelan migrants

Hope Fades for Missing Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia: Urgent Action Required

In the midst of the ongoing economic and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, a disturbing trend has emerged in neighboring Colombia. Hundreds of Venezuelan migrants have mysteriously disappeared, leaving their families in anguish and desperate for answers. Despite the alarming number of cases, human rights groups argue that the Colombian government’s efforts to address the issue have been woefully inadequate. The plight of these missing migrants highlights the vulnerabilities they face and the urgent need for action to protect their rights and ensure justice is served.

The Vanishing Acts:

On May 16, 2020, Nestor Pena, a 17-year-old Venezuelan migrant, sent his mother a final WhatsApp message before going missing. He vanished during his lunch break, leaving behind his belongings and raising concerns about his fate. Nestor’s mother, Zugey Pena, clings to the possibility that rebels might have taken him, but the truth remains elusive. Nestor’s case is not an isolated incident. Since 2015, 288 cases of forced disappearances involving Venezuelans have been reported to the Colombian attorney general’s office. Shockingly, the actual number is believed to be much higher, with nearly 1,500 Venezuelans missing during this period, according to the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences.

The Vulnerabilities of Venezuelan Migrants:

As the exodus of Venezuelans continues, approximately 2.5 million have sought refuge in Colombia. While eligible for residency permits, they face a scarcity of formal employment opportunities and pervasive discrimination. The vulnerabilities inherent in their circumstances make them easy targets for criminal elements. Gangs and armed groups throughout Latin America exploit Venezuelan migrants for forced recruitment, sex trafficking, and exploitation in illegal mines. These crimes not only lead to their disappearance but also instill fear and perpetuate a cycle of violence.

Challenges in Seeking Justice:

Migrants and refugees often lack awareness of the risks they face in certain regions of Colombia, or they choose to endure these dangers in pursuit of income or transit opportunities. Tragically, their marginalized status leaves them ill-equipped to advocate for themselves as victims. Accessing the unfamiliar justice system becomes a challenge, exacerbated by discrimination and the inability to register as victims of Colombia’s armed conflict. Consequently, the families of disappeared Venezuelans find themselves without support or a voice, while Colombians fighting for justice for their missing loved ones receive greater attention and resources.

Impunity and the Struggle for Answers:

Like many cases of forced disappearances in Colombia, impunity looms large in the investigations involving missing Venezuelans. Out of approximately 250 cases opened since 2015, a staggering 225 remain unresolved and active, according to the attorney general’s office. The lack of progress and response from authorities only compounds the anguish and frustration experienced by the families left in limbo. Despite inquiries made by Al Jazeera, the attorney general’s office has yet to provide any comment on the matter, leaving the families to wonder if their loved ones will ever receive justice.

Urgent Action Required:

In light of the growing crisis surrounding missing Venezuelan migrants in Colombia, immediate action is imperative. The Colombian government must recognize the importance of incorporating the migrant population into its peace-building efforts. This includes addressing the poor socioeconomic conditions that render migrants vulnerable to exploitation by armed groups. Humanitarian organizations should play a pivotal role in educating migrants about their rights, guiding them through the process of reporting crimes, and facilitating their access to the justice system. Furthermore, international aid groups must expand their focus to include the search for missing migrants and refugees, complementing their existing efforts to provide humanitarian aid.


The plight of missing Venezuelan migrants in Colombia is a distressing reminder of the challenges faced by those who have been uprooted from their homes in search of a better life. The disappearances, often at the hands of criminal groups, have left families heartbroken and desperate for answers. It is crucial that the Colombian government, human rights groups, and international organizations join forces to address this issue with urgency. By ensuring that justice is served and the rights of migrants are protected, we can offer hope to those who continue to suffer in the shadows. As Nestor Pena’s mother aptly puts it, “A mother’s hope never dies.”


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