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Kohl's LGBTQ+ apparel controversy

Kohl’s Under Fire: Controversy Surrounds LGBTQ+ Apparel for Babies

Kohl’s, a prominent department store chain, finds itself embroiled in a heated debate over its decision to offer LGBTQ+ apparel for infants. The introduction of onesies featuring the LGBTQ+ pride flag has ignited a firestorm of criticism, leading to calls for a boycott against the retailer. With declining stock shares and comparisons drawn to previous controversies surrounding Bud Light and Target, Kohl’s now faces a pivotal moment in navigating the delicate balance between social progress and customer satisfaction.

The Backlash:

In recent weeks, Kohl’s has faced mounting backlash as disgruntled shoppers took to social media to express their disappointment. The company’s LGBTQ+ onesies, specifically designed for Pride Month in June, have drawn sharp criticism from individuals who perceive them as a concession to the so-called “Woke crowd.” As the controversy gained momentum, influential Twitter account ‘End Wokeness’ lambasted Kohl’s, pointing out its apparent failure to learn from the previous backlash encountered by Bud Light and Target.
Adding fuel to the fire, popular YouTuber ‘Twisted Luck Truth’ released a scathing video that scrutinized Kohl’s in-store merchandise. The video, later removed from TikTok, showcased a t-shirt displaying the message “BELONG BELIEVE BE PROUD” accompanied by a silhouette of Mickey Mouse. Conservative influencer Benny Johnson questioned the rationale behind Kohl’s decision to sell “Pride Merch” for infants as young as three months old. In contrast, a liberal content creator defended the retailer, urging it to stand its ground and maintain its pride collection.

The Ripple Effect:

This latest controversy is part of a broader pattern of boycott attempts against brands that show support for the LGBTQ+ community, with critics viewing it as an extension of Woke ideology. Bud Light, for instance, experienced a substantial market value loss of nearly $16 billion following backlash against its campaign featuring transgender figure Dylan Mulvaney. Similarly, Target, a brand no stranger to such boycotts, faced a decline in market valuation of $10 billion due to the growing backlash against its Pride-themed clothing line for children.

Navigating the Storm:

Amidst the polarized responses, Kohl’s finds itself at a crossroads. The decision to offer LGBTQ+ apparel for babies undoubtedly reflects a commitment to inclusivity and support for the community. However, it is essential for the company to strike a delicate balance between social progress and maintaining customer satisfaction.

The Future of Kohl’s:

As Kohl’s grapples with the fallout from this controversy, the retailer must carefully consider the ramifications of its actions. Will it remain steadfast in its commitment to inclusivity and weather the storm of the boycott? Or will it succumb to the pressure and backtrack on its LGBTQ+ pride collection, potentially alienating a significant portion of its customer base? The coming weeks will undoubtedly test Kohl’s ability to navigate this sensitive terrain and determine the future trajectory of the brand.


The controversy surrounding Kohl’s LGBTQ+ apparel for infants has thrust the retailer into the spotlight, provoking impassioned responses from both its detractors and defenders. As boycotts and market valuation losses loom large, Kohl’s stands at a pivotal moment in its history, faced with the difficult task of balancing its social responsibilities with its commercial success. The manner in which the company navigates this storm will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on its reputation and shape its relationship with customers moving forward.


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