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YouTubе’s Controvеrsial Shift: Rolling Back Rulеs on Elеction Misinformation

In a surprising movе, YouTubе has dеcidеd to backtrack on its prеvious stancе against еlеction misinformation. Dеspitе bеing onе of thе slowеst major platforms to addrеss thе issuе during thе 2020 U.S. еlеction, thе company has now chosеn to abandon…

AI Disrupting Major Companies and Projected to Negatively Impact 25% of Jobs in Next 5 Years

Artificial Intelligence is already causing disruption and job losses at major companies like IBM and Chegg. As AI adoption continues to grow, a new report by the World Economic Forum predicts that 25% of jobs will be negatively impacted over…

Twitter Strips Verification Checkmarks from Legacy Accounts

Twitter has finally started taking away its iconic blue checkmark from verified users who haven’t subscribed to its paid service, Twitter Blue, after a series of delays. Twitter Blue was launched by Elon Musk in 2022 after he acquired the…