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Eid 2023
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Eid ul Fitr: A Celebration of Gratitude, Unity, and Charity in the Muslim World

Eid Ul Fitr, also known as the “Festival of Breaking the Fast,” is a major religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide. It marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. The festival is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

On this day, Muslims gather in mosques or large open areas to perform the Eid prayer, a special congregational prayer consisting of two Rakats (units) and a sermon. After the prayer, people visit their family and friends, exchange greetings and gifts, and share meals and sweets.

Eid Ul Fitr is also a time for giving charity and helping the less fortunate, as it is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is a joyous occasion that brings Muslims together in celebration and gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon them.

Purpose of Eid ul Fitr:

The purpose of Eid ul Fitr is multi-faceted and has both spiritual and social significance. Here are some of the main purposes of Eid ul Fitr:

  1. Gratitude: Eid ul Fitr is a time for Muslims to express gratitude to Allah for giving them the strength and guidance to complete the month of Ramadan, during which they fasted and performed various acts of worship.
  2. Celebration: Eid ul Fitr is a time for celebration and rejoicing with family and friends, and it serves as a reward for Muslims who have successfully completed their fasting during Ramadan.
  3. Unity: Eid ul Fitr brings Muslims together, regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, or social status, to celebrate their shared faith and values.
  4. Charity: Giving charity is an important aspect of Eid ul Fitr, as it is a way to help those in need and share the blessings of the festival.
  5. Renewal: Eid ul Fitr is also a time for Muslims to renew their commitment to Allah and their faith, and to reflect on the lessons learned during Ramadan.


If you are a Muslim or interested in celebrating Eid ul Fitr, here are some things you can do to celebrate the occasion:

  1. Attend Eid prayers: Attend Eid prayers at your local mosque or community center, and join in the congregational prayer and the sermon.
  2. Dress up: Wear your best clothes and get ready for the festivities. Wearing new clothes is a tradition in many Muslim cultures.
  3. Give charity: Give to those in need by donating money, food, or clothes to a local charity organization. This is an important aspect of Eid ul Fitr.
  4. Prepare special foods: Prepare special Eid dishes and sweets, and share them with family, friends, and neighbors. This is a time for feasting and enjoying delicious food.
  5. Exchange gifts: Exchange gifts with family and friends, especially children. This is a way to spread joy and happiness during the festival.
  6. Visit loved ones: Visit family and friends, especially those who may be alone or in need of company. This is a time for socializing and strengthening bonds with loved ones.
  7. Spread happiness: Spread happiness and positivity by greeting others with Eid Mubarak (Blessed Eid) and a smile. This is a time for spreading love and peace.

Eid ul Fitr starts with the sighting of the crescent moon (hilal) of the month of Shawwal, which is the day after the last day of Ramadan. In many countries, the sighting of the crescent moon is determined by local moon sighting committees or by religious authorities.

Once the moon has been sighted, the first day of Shawwal is declared as the day of Eid ul Fitr. This is usually announced through mosques, media outlets, and social media.

On the morning of Eid ul Fitr, Muslims wake up early, take a shower, and put on new or clean clothes. They eat a small breakfast, which is called the “Suhur” or “Sehri” meal, before heading out to the Eid prayer. The prayer is typically performed in congregation in a mosque or a large open area, and it consists of two rakats (units) and a sermon.

After the Eid prayer, Muslims greet each other by saying “Eid Mubarak” (Blessed Eid) and hug or shake hands. They then return home or visit family and friends to celebrate the occasion with feasting, exchanging gifts, and socializing.

Eid ul Fitr is celebrated by Muslims all over the world, but the date of the festival may vary depending on the sighting of the crescent moon (hilal) in each country.

Since the Islamic calendar is based on the lunar cycle, the timing of the festival can differ from country to country. In some cases, neighboring countries may celebrate Eid ul Fitr on different days due to variations in the sighting of the moon.

However, many Muslim countries follow the same lunar calendar and may celebrate Eid ul Fitr on the same day. In these countries, the government may officially declare the start of Eid ul Fitr after the sighting of the moon is confirmed.

Overall, while the date of Eid ul Fitr may vary in different countries, the essence of the festival remains the same, and Muslims all over the world celebrate it with joy and enthusiasm.


By: Mr. WWK



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