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COVID-19 Vaccines
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COVID-19 Vaccines Aren’t Strongly Linked to Menstrual Changes, Study Says

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers have been racing to develop vaccines that can help control the spread of the virus. While the vaccines have been incredibly effective in reducing the number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, there have been questions about whether they might have any side effects. One area of concern has been the potential impact of the vaccines on menstrual cycles.

There have been reports of women experiencing changes in their periods after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Some have reported heavier bleeding, longer or shorter periods, or changes in the frequency of their cycles. To investigate these reports, researchers in Sweden conducted a study to determine whether there was a link between the COVID-19 vaccines and menstrual changes.

The study, which was published in the British Medical Journal, looked at medical records from almost three million Swedish women aged 12 to 74. The researchers focused on women who had sought care for menstrual changes between December 2020 and February 2022. They analyzed the data to see when the women had received their COVID-19 vaccines and how long it had been since they were vaccinated when they sought care.

The study found no strong association between COVID-19 vaccines and menstrual changes, at least not bleeding events that were severe enough for women to seek medical care. The strongest association was among post-menopausal women. After receiving a third dose of the mRNA vaccine made by Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech, post-menopausal women had a 28% increased risk of bleeding in the first week after vaccination and about a 25% increased risk of bleeding over the next three months. However, a similar increase was not seen among premenopausal women.

The lead author of the study, Rickard Ljung, said that the association among post-menopausal women could be confounded by a number of factors. For example, post-menopausal women might be more attuned to bleeding events and more likely to see a physician than younger women, who may attribute any bleeding to irregular periods. Additionally, the data captured doctor’s visits, so it’s unlikely that women would have been able to get an appointment with a physician within a week if they developed bleeding after getting vaccinated.

Despite the study’s findings, there have been reports of changes in menstruation following COVID-19 vaccination. The study shows that these changes might not be serious enough to require medical attention, but doctors still don’t fully understand why vaccination against COVID-19 could affect menstrual cycles. Therefore, more research is needed to fully appreciate how developing immunity against SARS-CoV-2 affects women’s health.

In conclusion, while the study provides reassurance that the COVID-19 vaccines are not strongly linked to menstrual changes, it is important for women to continue to report any changes in their periods after receiving the vaccine to their healthcare provider. This will help researchers better understand how the vaccines may affect menstrual cycles and inform future studies. Overall, the vaccines remain an important tool in controlling the pandemic and protecting public health.

By: Mr. Jacob Henry


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