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Climate Change Threatens Pakistan’s Wheat Yield

Study warns of a 16% decline in Pakistan’s wheat yield by 2050 due to climate change, impacting South Asian countries, while global wheat production may decrease by 1.9% by mid-century, emphasizing the need for region-specific adaptation strategies. Thе Intеrnational Maizе…

Imran Khan Accusеs Pakistan’s Military of Orchеstrating Political Dеstruction

In a startling rеvеlation, formеr Primе Ministеr Imran Khan has opеnly accusеd Pakistan’s powеrful military and intеlligеncе agеncy of еngaging in a rеlеntlеss campaign to dеstroy his political party, thе Pakistan Tеhrееk-е-Insaf (PTI). Khan’s accusations, madе during an intеrviеw at…

Pakistan’s Political Crisis: Imran Khan’s Arrest and Its Far-Reaching Consequences

Pakistan finds itself in the midst of political turmoil, as former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s arrest on corruption charges sparks a wave of protests and intensifies the already precarious state of the nation. With an ailing economy, resurging terrorist threats,…

Mass Exodus: Exploring the Reasons Behind Leaders Quitting Imran Khan’s Party in Pakistan

The Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, led by former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, has been hit hard by a wave of defections. Over two dozen leaders have abandoned the party, citing a variety of reasons, following Khan’s controversial arrest and the…

Pakistan’s Top Court Orders Immediate Release of Former PM Imran Khan

In a significant development, Pakistan’s Supreme Court has declared the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan in a corruption case as unlawful. Khan’s legal team challenged the detention, leading to the court’s order for his immediate release. The decision…

Yasmeen Lari, Pakistan’s First Female Architect, Awarded Royal Gold Medal for Socially Conscious Architecture

Yasmeen Lari, a renowned ‘starchitect’ turned social engineer, has made history as the first woman to receive the Royal Gold Medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) since Zaha Hadid. The award recognizes her inspiring work in creating…

Discovering Finland’s Education System: Top 10 Reasons Why It’s the Best in the World.

Finland has been recognized as having one of the world’s best education systems due to several factors. Firstly, the Finnish government invests heavily in education, allocating a significant portion of its budget towards schools and education initiatives. Secondly, the Finnish…

Who is Asif Ali Zardari and his Dirty Politics?

Asif Ali Zardari is a Pakistani politician and the co-chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP). He was born on July 26, 1955, in Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan. Zardari belongs to a prominent political family, and his father, Hakim Ali Zardari,…