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Why is Netflix removing Christian movies?

False claim of Netflix removing Christian movies originated as satire, causing unfounded panic; Netflix maintains commitment to diverse content, including Christian genre. Misinformation can spread like wildfire, igniting unfounded fears and concerns. One such case is the recent claim that…

Netflix’s Strategic Move: Curbing Password Sharing Spurs Subscriptions Surge in the US

In a bold stratеgic movе to curb password sharing and maintain thе intеgrity of its sеrvicеs, Nеtflix rеcеntly initiatеd a crackdown on non-housеhold mеmbеrs using sharеd accounts. Dеspitе initial concеrns and nеgativе consumеr rеactions, thе strеaming giant’s еfforts appеar to…

Netflix to end mailing of DVDs of movies to subscribers after 25 years

Netflix, the popular streaming service, has decided to end its 25-year-old DVD mailing service, marking the end of an era. According to co-chief executive Ted Sarandos, while the service was instrumental in paving the way for streaming, the decision to…