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Exploring the Complexities of Migrant Flows from Tunisia to Europe

Migrants to Europe have been fleeing from and through Tunisia for a variety of reasons. An ailing economy and the toughening of border measures elsewhere along the coast are among the main factors contributing to this trend. Between April 19th…

Sudan’s War: A Home-Grown Conflict with Potentially Global Consequences

Sudan, a country in North-East Africa, has been wracked by conflict for decades. However, the current conflict, which started in the capital city, Khartoum, is particularly concerning as it risks drawing in outsiders and potentially escalating into a regional or…

Progressive Democrats call for Julian Assange’s release

Julian Assange was always passionate about the truth. As a child, he was fascinated by the idea of freedom of information and the power of knowledge. He read books on philosophy, history, and politics, and dreamt of a world where…